Effect of S.A.L.I (Sports as an Absenteeism Lesser Intervention) Program to Reduce Absenteeism

Collado ( Ronel )
Absenteeism/Drop-out  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
24 pages. 
Absenteeism, Sports, SALI, Program to Reduce Absenteeism 
Absenteeism is a habitual pattern of absences from a duty or obligation without good reason. Generally, absenteeism is unplanned absences. It is very alarming that students keep on doing or practicing this absenteeism. Even at the researcher school, a school with a population of 8000 students. Evidence shows that even in the own classroom of the researcher there are students who have frequent absences. To solve this problem the researcher used the sports as an intervention mainly Badminton and Chess to reduce the number of absences of the students. These absences ranging from 10 above can be seen in my School Form 2. This study use Purposive Sampling, with that type sampling the researcher came up with 8 students who have more than ten absences during the second quarter, and that would be the subject/participants of this research. The researcher utilized the use of Transformative design, Transformative design is a type of Mixed Method design in which the purpose of this design is to address issues of social justice and call for change for underrepresented or marginalized populations. Based on the findings of the study the following conclusions are drawn. The main reason why students do not attend class is that they are bored. Sports can reduce dramatically the number of absences of the Grade V students. The perception of the students on their participation/involvement in the intervention of sports program are the following, Recreation, Improved Health, and Developed Interpersonal Skills. 
24 pages : illustrations (colored), portrait ; 21 cm x 29.7 cm.
Action Research - Holy Spirit Elementary School, 2019
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