Awareness of Grade V Teachers and Pupils of Old Balara Elementary School on Cyber-Bullying Lawr

Publication Year
35 pages 
One of the most prevalent influencer of all ages today is the use of digital media to express thoughts, ideas and oftentimes create an open letter to public unintentionally. In this regard, this may cause to criticism that leads to bullying and eventually a factor of depression and coping mechanisms to cyberbullied persons. There are many cases of cyberbullying that most of the victims and the perpetrators are not aware of the consequences that they are facing. The impacts that should be understood by our society today is the internet safety to avoid emotional damage and promote a better techie savvy users.

This study aims to see the level of awareness of the Grade V teachers and pupils of Old balara Elementary School on the issues and other matters related on the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013. This will help to prevent and lessen if not eliminate cases of cyberbullying. Procedures of reporting for cyberbullied victims and other intervention of the school and maintenance of Public Record on relevant information are also necessary in this study.

Data on the survey/Google forms were collected. The result of the survey form express that teachers have sufficient knowledge on Cyberbullying matters with an average mean of 4.653 while the pupils average mean is 3.842 which suggest further intervention to lessen incidents of bullying in the school premises and even in the cyber world.

It is recommended to continue including the responsible use of social media that can be integrated on values enhancement to pupils and help them be transparent enough to both parents and teachers about cyberbullying cases and also to enhance teachers' knowledge about digital counseling. 
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