Learner's at Risk in Grade Two: Factors and Intervention

Cardeno ( Catherine )
Sanaco ( Dayana )
Publication Year
43 pages. 
At-Risk, Qualitative Research Approach, Interview Guide, Performance, Factors 
The purpose of this research study is to distinguish the different factors that led learners at risk and the appropriate interventions that should be given to prevent them in becoming at-risk in their studies. The methodology used in this study is Qualitative Research Approach. It involved collecting and analyzing non-numerical data wherein the main respondents were the parents of learners classified as at risk Academic Year 2021-2022. The participants were 15 Parents of learner's at-risk in Grade 2 level. The researchers with the help of each teacher/adviser interviews the parents through phone call, Facebook-Messenger of Google Form. An interview guide is provided as an instrument used by the teacher/adviser to gather significant data. The interview guide is composed of unstructured questions about the common cause of their child's performance at school.
In this study, it was highlighted that the researchers find out why Grade 2 learners tend to be at risk. The following are: First, the Student Factor. The level of the learner's capability, and the potential to reach his or her goals. Second, Family Factor. The family background of the student and the support from their parent is very important in order to a child succeed in school. Third, School Factor. The school environment including their teachers, classmates and all stakeholders where the learners are in. Lastly, Community Factor in which we all know is also a factor to build and produce a valuable citizen in due time. There are several factors that can explain why Grade 2 students can be at risk in their schooling. 
43 pages : illustrations (colored), portrait ; 21 cm x 29.7 cm.
Action Research -Pasong Tamo Elementary School, 2022
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