Digitized Strategic Intervention Material: A tool to Enhance the Grade 4 Pupil's Skills in Learning Science Concepts for the Second Quarter SY 2020-2021

Quilona ( Genevieve Monica )
Digitization  [ Browse Items ]
Publication Year
18 pages. 
digitized material, intervention material, science concepts, strategic intervention material, digitized intervention material 
With the drastic change in the educational system brought about by the Covid 19, it has brought challenges that leads to the closure of schools to protect the health of learners and educators. This results to students to lose opportunities to learn vital cognitive, social, physical, and emotional skills. With the abrupt changes that happened to the teaching and learning situation due to the pandemic, teachers and learners should be guided on what learning resources should be used. With this, the researcher developed a digitized strategic intervention material for Science Grade 4 pupils from the least mastered competency of Quarter 2: Infer that body structures help animals adapt and survive in their particular habitat S4LT-llab-4 with a title, Pedro and Bela: Scouts in the Forest. The digitized intervention material was evaluated and validated by the school quality assurance team. The experimental research design was employed to observe the impact caused by the digitized strategic intervention material. A 10-item pre-test were given to the 30 respondents before they utilized the digitized intervention material. After utilizing the digitized intervention material, a post test was given to the same respondents. The mean percentage of pre-test and post-test was computed and compared. The mean percentage of pre-test was 51.7% and post-test was 82.7%. The result showed that there is a difference of 31% from post-test to pre-test result. Therefore, the digitized strategic intervention material entitled Pedro and Bela: Scouts in the Forest with a learning competency: Infer that body structures help animals adapt and survive in their particular habitat S4LT-llab-4, enhanced the Grade 4 Pupils' skills in learning the science concept. With this, further studies with other intervention materials are suggested.  
18 pages : illustrations (colored), portrait ; 21 cm x 29.7 cm.
Action Research -Tandang Sora Elementary School, 2022

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