Integrating Students' Everyday Experiences to Strengthen Understanding in Science

Llarinas ( Joy Lynn A. )
Academic Performance  [ Browse Items ]
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65 pages. 
student's everyday experiences, collaborative learning, real-life situation, science inquiry skills. 
This study was intended to strengthen students' understanding in science and develop students' inquiry skills , exhibits scientific attitudes and values to solve problems critically . The integration across science topics and other disciplines will lead to a meaningful understanding of concepts and its application to real-life situations. Learning can be more meaningful if the students give opportunity to deepen their science knowledge by engaging them to incorporate students' everyday knowledge and practices thru collaborative learning. According to Kuh (2008), collaborative learning combines two key goals : Learning to work and solve problems in the company of others especially those with different background and life experiences. "Kamustahan session" provides more interesting learning environments for students to acquire knowledge from the insights of others and it also aims to improve the learning performances of students with different life experiences. Data were analyzed according to the following research questions: (1) what is the level of understanding of students when everyday experiences were integrated into the lesson? (2) What is the performance of the control and experimental group? and (3) is there any significant difference between the control and experimental group ? Proficiency scale was used to measure students' current understanding of various content or topics in science. Pretest and posttest was utilized to measure learning improvements before and after intervention. The interpreted data shows that integration of everyday experiences can lead to improve conceptual learning in the disciplines but that the effects differ, depending on the nature of the integration , the outcomes measured, and the students' prior knowledge and experience.  
65 pages : illustrations (some color), portrait ; 21 cm x 29.7 cm.
Action Research - San Bartolome High School , 2018-2019
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